Certificate for Specialists in Demand Guarantees (CSDG)
The CSDG qualification will develop students’ understanding in the use of guarantees, industry rules, legislation and the challenges relating to demand guarantees and standby credits.
About the Qualification
The Certificate for Specialists in Demand Guarantees (CSDG) has been developed by The London Institute of Banking & Finance (LIBF) and industry experts in partnership with the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) and is supported by BAFT.
The CSDG qualification will develop students’ understanding in the use of guarantees, industry rules, legislation and the challenges relating to demand guarantees and standby credits. CSDG enables students to demonstrate a high level of expertise and improves knowledge and understanding of the complex issues associated with demand guarantee best practice.
Studying CSDG covers:
- Demand guarantees – including tender, performance and advance payment
- Indemnities, Suretyships and standby letters of credit and how they compare
- Scope of industry rules including URDG 758 and ISP98
- Parties involved in demand guarantees and their roles and obligations
- Risk issues, including types, control and mitigations
- Impact of external factors including governing law and force majeure
The Certificate for Specialists in Demand Guarantees is a Level 4 qualification registered with Ofqual in the Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF).
In Partnership with
Supported by
Key Facts
- Registration is open all year round
- Registered candidates may now take the exam on any date online at a Pearson VUE center (subject to availability). This is a change from the CSDG exam only being offered twice a year.
- Comprehensive study materials are provided
- Upon completion, you are able to use the ‘CSDG’ designation after your name
Unit – Principles and Practices of Demand Guarantee
The tools and terminology necessary to draft, issue and claim on demand guarantees and related products. The roles, obligations and relationships between parties of demand guarantee transactions. As well as the affects of external factors, the risks involved and how to manage these.
CSDG consists of one unit. It is recommended that students spend 256 learning hours studying for this qualification.
Preparation for the exam usually takes six months.
CSDG is a self-study qualification and following registration you will be sent a detailed study text covering the syllabus and containing review questions and activities. A specimen paper is also available to download. In addition to printed materials, students will also receive online access to the study resources.
The international CSDG registry contains the names of individuals that hold the CSDG designation. Names are removed from the registry after three years if an individual has not successfully recertified.
CSDG is assessed through a 3-hour and 15-minute multiple-choice examination split into two sections:
Section A
50 multiple-choice questions
Section B
10 standalone multiple-choice questions, one case study with 6 linked multiple-choice questions and 6 simulation exercises
Upon completion of CSDG, your CSDG designation will remain valid for three years. To retain the designation, you are required to participate in the recertification program. Alternatively, you can register for and re-take the exam at the end of the three-year period.
Key Facts
- Complete 24 hours of CPD learning within each three-year cycle (36 hours will be required for recertifications on and after 30 April 2020)
- CPD credit can be earned from a variety of different activities provided the content is relevant to International Trade Finance
- Automatic inclusion in to the annual international CSDG registry
- Recertification fee: £200 (an additional £44 is charged for late submissions)
Access to core e-course only
- Registration fee – £730 (includes online materials and exam entry)
- Exam resit fee – £350
- Recertification fee – £220
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*Link will redirect you to LIBF to complete registration & payment