On October 31, the House Financial Services Committee (HFSC) approved H.R. 4863, the United States Export Finance Agency Act of 2019, that reauthorizes the Export-Import Bank, by a vote of 30 to 27.
This bill includes strong provisions to promote certainty and stability in agency operations, such as a 10-year reauthorization, an increase in the authorization ceiling, and a quorum fix. The bill also renames EXIM as the United States Export Finance Agency.
The House Rules Committee will meet on Tuesday, November 12 to consider additional amendments filed and to set the rule for House floor consideration of HR. 4863 (Committee bill print here; Committee report here). A House floor vote on H.R. 4863 is likely to take place later this week. The list of amendments filed can be found here.
In anticipation of the House Rules Committee meeting, BAFT joined other trade associations to urge Congress to pass a long term reauthorization. The letter highlights the President’s support for a 10-year reauthorization, and signals support for both the House and the Senate bills.
You can read the letter in our Library of Documents page under Comment Letters.