BAFT has released the white paper, Deep-Tier Supply Chain Finance: Unlocking Potential, highlighting the potential for deep-tier supply chain finance (DTSCF) to bridge the trade finance gap, drive liquidity to the most underserved segments of the trade market, and enhance visibility within global supply chains.
Deep-tier supply chain finance is an innovative financial solution with the potential to unlock financing for deeper-tier suppliers, where small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are prevalent, by allowing access to finance by leveraging the credit risk of the anchor buyer. DTSCF not only unlocks finance at favorable rates for deeper tiers in a supply chain, but it also promotes an ecosystem of financial stability, risk management, and sustainability throughout the entire supply chain.
BAFT and ADB developed this white paper to provide a shared view of DTSCF, to outline its features as a new technique in financing trade and supply chains, to define what DTSCF is and what it is not, and to offer necessary definitions and legal frameworks to make it a success at scale.
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