
29th Annual Conference on International Trade


The 29th BAFT Annual Conference on International Trade, specifically designed for international trade practitioners, is focused on the key issues that enhance the growth and impact of trade finance on the economy.

Rating from Past Attendees

“I have attended many conferences, trade shows, etc. in my career prior to becoming part of the Supply Chain Finance business line at my bank. This conference truly was an educational, networking, and idea sharing conference.”

“Great speakers with interesting topics. Sessions showed good variety. Conference was well attended. Nice venue too.”

Special Conference Features

  • What’s on the Minds of Global Trade Heads?
    We’ve gathered global trade heads from different regions to share how they are dealing with new regulatory and compliance requirements, finding new pockets of growth and investing in new products in the open account/working capital space, competing and collaborating with Fintechs, managing their balance sheet, returns and distribution mechanisms, attracting and retaining talent, and more.
  • Speaker’s Corner
    Missed asking questions to our distinguished panelists during the session? This is your second chance! We’ve carved out a special time and space for you to meet with our speakers and get your questions answered.
  • Innovation Showcase
    We’ve invited several prominent trade consortia and providers to showcase their trade solutions during four 25-minute presentations. You are invited to attend as many demonstrations as you are able to, moving from one demonstration to the next.
  • Dedicated Bilateral Meetings
    Meet with several of your clients and prospects in one venue! We’ve included special times throughout the conference for you to schedule meetings with prospects, clients and colleagues, saving you travel time and money!
  • Receive Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Credits for CDCS, CSDG, CSCF and CTFC
    The Conference has been approved for 12 CPD learning hours for CDCS, CSDG and CSCF. This represents at least 1/3 of your required CPD hours for re-certification. In addition, you can also earn 6 CPDs towards CTFC re-certification which fulfills the minimal yearly requirement for CTFC.

Pre-Conference Workshop: BAFT Supply Chain Finance Workshop
Wednesday, October 23, 2019

This very popular and often sold-out pre-conference Workshop is back! This full day, deep dive training will once again be led by Supply Chain Finance expert, Mr. Alexander Malaket, President of OPUS Advisory Services International Inc., in Canada, and Founder and Managing Director of Trade Finance Associates Pte in Singapore.

You can add the pre-conference workshop to your Conference registration, and save $150 off the combined price!


October 23, 2020
October 24, 2020
October 25, 2020
October 23, 2020

9:00AM – 3:00PM

Supply Chain Finance Workshop

Offered as a separate registration from Annual Conference on International Trade.

9:00AM – 5:30PM

Bilateral Meetings

We recognize the need to network with colleagues, clients and prospects. We reserved special times throughout the conference specifically for these bilateral and small group meetings. We request attendees to conduct meetings strictly during these times, or before/after the session programming each day.

3:30PM – 5:30PM

Innovation Showcase

Take an in-depth look at innovative trade related solutions in the market today. Hear from trade consortia and providers as they demonstrate their solutions in 25 min sessions. You are invited to attend as many demonstrations as you are able to, moving from one station to the next.


Enigio makes it possible to issue, accept and preserve an original document in digital form. This is made possible with a protected combination of traditional and cutting-edge technology, like blockchain. The document has all the functions of its paper equivalent. Only the person or entity in possession of the original document can transfer it, make amendments or invalidate it. The written content in the digital original document always stays in the document and is fully traceable, protected, immutable and impossible to manipulate. Copies of the original can be identified as copies and verified towards a public and distributed ledger to determine if the copy corresponds to the current version of the original document.

Marco Polo
The Marco Polo Network is the largest and fastest growing trade and working capital finance network in the world. It is a joint undertaking between technology firms TradeIX and R3, the world’s leading financial institutions, and their corporate clients. The Marco Polo Network provides an open enterprise software platform for trade and working capital finance to banks and corporates and a distributed, blockchain-powered solution that allows for the seamless and secure exchange of data and assets between participants.

Persistent Systems Inc
Persistent Systems builds software that drives the business of our customers. Our customers are software product companies and enterprises across industries with technology at the core of their digital transformation. We focus on the “how” of digital transformation to build design and data-driven applications and software-driven businesses.

Trade Information Network
The inclusive industry standard network for multi-bank trade finance.
An innovative Network open for corporates and banks which enables financing deeper into global supply chains and offers an easy way to join The Network aims to address the unmet demand for financing earlier in the supply chain by enabling corporates to easily and securely communicate trade information directly with banks of their choice.

5:30PM – 6:30PM

Opening Reception

SCF Workshop and Innovation Showcase attendees and Full conference attendees are welcome to join the opening reception.

October 24, 2020

7:30AM – 6:00PM


8:00AM – 9:00AM

Networking Breakfast

7:30AM – 9:00AM

Bilateral Meetings

We recognize the need to network with colleagues, clients and prospects. We reserved special times throughout the conference specifically for these bilateral and small group meetings. We request attendees to conduct meetings strictly during these times, or before/after the session programming each day.

9:00AM – 9:30AM

Welcome Remarks

Mark Garfield
Board Chair, BAFT
Head, Global Financial Institutions
Zions Bancorporation

Jon Richman
Conference Co-Chair
Managing Director, Head of US Trade & Working Capital
Global Transaction Banking, US

Tod Burwell
President & CEO

9:30AM – 10:00AM

Opening Address: Fireside Chat

Kimberly A. Reed
President and Chairman
Export-Import Bank of the United States

Rob Nichols
President & CEO
American Bankers Association

10:00AM – 10:45AM

Navigating the New Digital Trade World

Banks are facing new challenges with the emergence of new technologies, Fintechs, Networks, and Consortia. Personal and retail banking are increasingly digital and have large online presences, which is driving changes in customer expectations. Many questions arise as to whether some of the new emerging fintechs are competitors and if coexistence with them is possible. The panel will discuss strategies on how to navigate through this maze, evaluate whom to collaborate with, what network(s) to join, integration, maintaining their trade finance corporate relationships and relevancy. What are the challenges and opportunities in this new world?


Nancy B. Amert
Director, Trade Innovation Lab
CGI Group Inc.


Sunil Gupta
Director, Global Trade Product Head
Bank of Montreal

Tim House
Director, Market Development
Banking Alliances

Dan Juliano
Managing Director, Head of U.S. Trade Finance & Working Capital

10:45AM – 11:05AM

Morning Coffee/Tea Break

Speakers Corner Didn’t get your question answered? Here’s your chance to ask the speakers from prior sessions your unanswered and pressing questions.

11:05AM – 11:50AM

Changes in Global Consciousness – Are Banks Keeping Pace?

Banks are increasingly focused on the impact of lending, rather than simple credit to borrowers. As sustainability and green initiatives grow, along with an increase in dual-use production, a more holistic approach to decision making intensifies. But are Banks keeping up with market trends? Join us for a discussion with banks and multi-lateral agency for insights into forces now driving lending and product decisions.


Caryn Pace
Head of Portfolio Management & Product Risk
Bank of America Merrill Lynch


Matthew A Frohling
Managing Director
Head of North America Trade Sales
Global Trade & Receivables Finance

Inho Lee
Head, Trade & Commodity Finance

Harriette Resnick
Co-Head, Sustainable Trade Finance Working Group
International Chamber of Commerce Banking Commission

11:50AM – 12:10PM

Trade Talk: Global Recession Worries Amid Rising Trade Tensions

Fears that the global economy is heading into a recession are rising as mounting uncertainties dampen growth. This time, trade policy is viewed as the number one culprit with US-China tensions rising, uncertainty lingering and globalization seemingly pulling back. In a world where everyone loses from increased protectionism, how should businesses adapt?


Gregory Daco
Chief US Economist
Oxford Economics

12:10PM – 1:00PM

Networking Lunch

Speakers Corner Didn’t get your question answered? Here’s your chance to ask the speakers from prior sessions your unanswered and pressing questions.

1:00PM – 1:45PM

Evolving Corporate Trade Needs and Challenges - Are Trade Providers Meeting Client Demand?

Trade has changed more in the past 10 years than in the prior 100. Clients are seeing and demanding unprecedented amounts of new technologies and capabilities. Are the market service providers meeting that demand? What are the costs of meeting that demand and the risks of failing to do so?


Michael McDonough
Conference Co-Chair
Head of Product Management, Trade Finance, North America


Steven Bash
Senior Vice President and Manager
International Banking & Trade Finance
City National Bank

Massimo Capretta
Mayer Brown LLP

Rory Kaplan
Director, Senior Offering Manager
CGI Group Inc.

1:45PM – 2:35PM

Regulatory Compliance

Given the millions of dollars the financial institution community spends on Financial Crime Compliance programs, understand the essential elements of a strong program – scope and parameters, effectiveness, global consistency and technological solutions that banks have started developing to try to reduce the ever increasing compliance costs.


Stacey Facter
Senior Vice President, Trade Products


John Ahearn
Managing Director
Global Head, Trade

William Fox
Co-Chair, Wolfsberg Group
Managing Director, Global Financial Crimes Compliance Executive
Bank of America Merrill Lynch

Donna M. Murphy
Deputy Comptroller for Compliance Risk Policy
Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC)

Radish Singh
Partner, Deloitte Forensic, Financial Crime Compliance Leader

2:35PM – 2:55PM

Networking Coffee/Tea Break

Speaker’s Corner Didn’t get your question answered? Here’s your chance to ask the speakers from prior sessions your unanswered and pressing questions.

2:55PM – 3:15PM

Small Business is Big Business

The US small business exporter market is growing in importance, resulting in potential increased lending opportunities. To support this growing market, the SBA Associate Administrator will announce the re-launch of SBAs suite of export lending products happening this Fall, and the realignment of the Office of International Trade to support small businesses and the lenders that support them. The Associate Administrator will also discuss how SBA will be making new program improvements to increase the scale of SBA’s export lending volumes.


David Glaccum
Associate Administrator for International Trade
U.S. Small Business Administration

3:15PM – 4:00PM

What is Top of Mind for the Trade Finance Heads of the Major Global Trade Banks?

There are many challenges and opportunities facing the trade finance business that require the daily attention of the most senior Business Heads. Find out how each of the major players are dealing with such issues as new regulatory and compliance requirements, finding new pockets of growth and investing in new products in the open account / working capital space, competing and collaborating with Fintechs, managing their balance sheet, returns and distribution mechanisms, attracting and retaining talent, and more….


Steve Lotito
Managing Director
Head of Trade Finance, North America


Geoffrey Brady
Head of Global Trade and Supply Chain Finance
Bank of America Merrill Lynch

Patricia Gomes
Executive Vice President
Head of Global Trade Receivables Finance, North America

Rogier Schulpen
Managing Director, Trade & Working Capital Solutions


Day 1 Wrap Up

Stacey Facter
Senior Vice President, Trade Products

4:00PM – 6:00PM

Bilateral Meetings

We recognize the need to network with colleagues, clients and prospects. We reserved special times throughout the conference specifically for these bilateral and small group meetings. We request attendees to conduct meetings strictly during these times, or before/after the session programming each day.

6:00PM – 7:00PM

Networking Cocktail Reception
October 25, 2020

7:30AM – 12:00PM


7:45AM – 8:45AM

Networking Breakfast

7:30AM – 8:45AM

Bilateral Meetings

We recognize the need to network with colleagues, clients and prospects. We reserved special times throughout the conference specifically for these bilateral and small group meetings. We request attendees to conduct meetings strictly during these times, or before/after the session programming each day.

8:45AM – 9:00AM


Stacey Facter
Senior Vice President, Trade Products

9:00AM – 9:45AM

Geopolitics of International Trade in 2019

As the politics of trade continue to be volatile, the U.S. framework for trade policy and multilateral agreements is constantly evolving. With the shifting landscape and continuing uncertainty, companies are now redeploying their global vendor and customer networks as tariff policies impact their supply chains and export markets. Join us to learn how industries and businesses are being effected by the politics of international trade.


Oliver O’Connell
Contributing Editor


Vinod Madhavan
Group Head, Trade
Standard Bank

Kirk Samson
Samson Atlantic LLC

Karl Schamotta
Chief Market Strategist
Cambridge Global Payments

9:45AM – 10:30AM

Secondary Market for Trade

With the implementation of Basel III reforms shortly to come upon us, join us for a frank discussion on the secondary market for trade and risk sharing from some of the most recognized industry experts. Learn how industry players are working together on innovative and standardized structures for global market acceptance. Speakers will share thoughts to address jurisdictional and other regulatory challenges as well as how to document arrangements whether to open capacity, mitigate risk, bring capital relief, by participating or syndicating trade related assets.


Daniel Pinho
Senior Vice President and Assistant Group Manager


Paul Coles
ITFA Board Member
Head of Global Transactional Distribution, GTRF
HSBC Bank Plc

Scott Ettien
Executive Vice President, Financial Solutions
Trade Credit Practice Leader, North America
Willis Tower Watson

Geoffrey Wynne
Sullivan & Worcester

10:30AM – 10:50AM

Morning Coffee/Tea Break

Speakers’ Corner Didn’t get your question answered? Here’s your chance to ask the speakers from prior sessions your unanswered and pressing questions.

10:50AM – 11:20AM

Regulatory Developments in a Global Context

This panel will focus on the regulatory policy landscape in the US. It will provide an overview of the final Basel III reforms (Dec 2017), their implications for the competitiveness of the US banking sector and their consistency with global standards. Other key themes will be the possible impact of the final Basel III framework on trade finance, as well as industry efforts to mitigate any negative unintended consequences.


Diana Rodriquez
Senior Director, International Policy


Katie Rismanchi
Policy Advisor, Regulatory Affairs Department
Institute of International Finance

Joshua Stein
Vice President, Accounting & Financial Management
American Bankers Association

11:20AM – 11:40AM

TradeTalk: The Power of Platforms: Opening Up the Banks to Tomorrow

As a business model, Platformification continues to evolve rapidly. With access to new technology through APIs, the possibility of collaboration with all players in the ecosystem is bringing with it new opportunities. Banks are now in the driving seat, and tomorrow's cross functional solutions are coming as much from internal teams, as they are vendors, or fintechs. Join us to see how opening up the power of platforms can drive innovation and change for the US banking sector.


Robert Mancini
Head of Payments

11:40AM – 12:30PM

The International Trade Ecosystem: Marrying the Physical and Financial Supply Chain In this session, BAFT will bring together a cross-section of stakeholders to explore challenges and opportunities for enterprise-wide collaboration on the physical and financial supply chain. The session will include case studies to address the linkages as well as identify solutions that cover compliance requirements and other headwinds through technology.


Alexander Malaket
President, OPUS Advisory Services International Inc.
Deputy Head of the Executive Committee
ICC Banking Commission


Devesh Desai

Kirk Lundburg
President & CEO
Trade Technologies, Inc.

Juan-Jose Ruiz
Head of Strategy and Business Development, TradeLens
IBM Industry Platforms

12:30PM – 2:00PM

Lunch with Speaker


Steven Ricchiuto
Managing Director
Chief Economist – Fixed Income
Mizuho Securities USA LLC


Closing Remarks

Michael McDonough
Conference Co-Chair
Head of Product Management, Trade Finance, North America

Stacey Facter
Senior Vice President, Trade Products


Registration for this event is closed.


October 24, 2020
October 25, 2020
October 24, 2020
Mark Garfield
Mark Garfield
Head, Global Financial Institutions
Zions Bancorporation

Mark Garfield’s current role is Head of Global Financial Institutions at Zions Bancorporation responsible for foreign bank relationship development. He joined Zions Bancorporation in 2005. He has over 30 years of banking experience with 25 years in international banking management covering trade finance, trade services, foreign exchange, correspondent banking and product development. Throughout his career he has worked closely with corporate and commercial entities in the Midwest and Western U.S. providing banking support for cross-border trade. Mr. Garfield currently serves as a Director of BAFT and Chair of the Utah District Export Council. He served on the DEC National Advisory Board and Board of the World Trade Center, Utah.

Jon Richman
Jon Richman
Conference Co-Chair
Managing Director, Head of U.S. Trade and Working Capital
Global Transaction Banking, US

Based in New York, Mr. Jon Richman currently heads the US Trade and Working Capital business for Santander in the U.S., which includes its Lending, Letter of Credit, Receivables, Supply Chain Finance, and Trade funding activities. Mr. Richman was brought in to fulfill Santander’s ambitious growth plans or its trade finance globally and its corporate and investment banking business in the U.S. For the ten years prior to joining Santander, Mr. Richman was with Deutsche Bank and held responsibilities that included the running of its trade finance business in the Americas. Jon was also with Standard Chartered Bank for over twenty years, which included senior positions in London and Hong Kong – the most recent of which was Head of Transactional Banking for North Asia.

Tod Burwell
Tod Burwell
President & CEO

Tod Burwell is the President and Chief Executive Officer of BAFT. Prior to being promoted to CEO, he served as the Senior Vice President of Trade Products with oversight of all trade-related initiatives including the Global Trade Industry Council, Trade Committees, and other strategic initiatives of the organization. Mr. Burwell has over 25 years of trade, supply chain and cash management experience as a banking practitioner, as well as serving as a consultant to global corporations and suppliers of strategically integrated trade solutions. Prior to joining BAFT, Mr. Burwell was a Managing Director at JPMorgan Chase and held senior global management roles responsible for trade operations, launching the logistics business and managing global product sales for trade finance and logistics management.

Kimberly A. Reed
Kimberly A. Reed
President and Chairman
Export-Import Bank of the United States

Ms. Kimberly A. Reed was sworn in as President and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Export-Import Bank of the United States (EXIM) on May 9, 2019. She is the first woman and first West Virginian to lead EXIM. Chairman Reed has spent her 23-year career leading efforts focused on American job creation, trade, economic development, food and agriculture, and government reform. She previously served as President of the International Food Information Council Foundation, Director of the Community Development Financial Institutions Fund, Senior Advisor to two U.S. Secretaries of the Treasury, Vice President for Financial Markets Policy Relations at Lehman Brothers, and Counsel with the U.S. Congress. Recognized as one of the “100 Women Leaders in STEM,” Reed also served on several non-profit boards.

Rob Nichols
Rob Nichols
President & CEO, American Bankers Association
Chairman, International Banking Federation (IBFed)

Rob Nichols is the president and CEO of the American Bankers Association, which represents banks of all sizes and charters and is the voice for the nation’s $20 trillion banking industry. Rob joined ABA in August 2015 following ten years at the helm of the Financial Services Forum, a non-partisan financial and economic policy organization. Before joining the Forum, Rob served in the George W. Bush administration as the assistant secretary for public affairs at the Treasury Department, a position requiring confirmation by the United States Senate. In this role, he acted as chief spokesperson and head of the office of public liaison, serving as Treasury’s lead representative with the media, business, professional trade organizations, consumer groups and the public. Rob’s earlier career highlights include working as communications director to U.S. Sen. Slade Gorton and press secretary to the late Rep. Jennifer Dunn, a former member of the House leadership, and in the West Wing as an aide in the Office of the Chief of Staff in the George H.W. Bush administration.

Nancy B. Amert
Nancy B. Amert
Founder, Principal Change Consultant
Agility Educators

With over 20 years of experience leading transformative global initiatives for Fortune 500 companies such as IBM, Cisco Capital, and TIAA, Nancy Amert is a distinguished expert in organizational change management and sustainable business practices. As the Founder and Principal Change Consultant at Think Green Advisors, she helps organizations navigate complex changes while aligning their strategies with sustainability, corporate responsibility, and operational efficiency.

Sunil Gupta
Sunil Gupta
Director, Global Trade Product Head
Bank of Montreal

Mr. Sunil Gupta has over 20 years of banking experience spanning various areas of Trade Finance & Financial Institutions. Prior to joining BMO, he spent 15 years at a major Canadian Bank and 2 years overseas with a leading Indian bank. In his current role, Mr. Gupta has global responsibility for leading the development and management of a profitable trade & supply chain finance product/service suite that meets client needs and enhances relationships.

Tim House
Tim House
Director, Market Development
Banking Alliances

Mr. Tim House is the Director of Market Development for Fintech and Banking Alliances in North America for TradeShift. He is responsible for developing relationships and commercialization strategies for financial institutions providing working capital solutions on the TradeShift platform. Before TradeShift, he spent ten years in Wells Fargo and Wachovia’s Global Trade Services group where he was responsible for business development and technical implementations for the bank’s large corporate customers. Prior to Wells Fargo, Mr. House helped found and grow TradeBeam, a Global Trade Management SaaS provider, based in the San Francisco area.

Dan Juliano
Dan Juliano
Managing Director, Head of U.S. Trade Finance and Working Capital

Mr. Dan Juliano has over 25 years of experience working for B2B Networks, Enterprise Software, and FinTech companies. Experienced in areas of ERP, procurement/spend management, supply chain finance, and blockchain. Mr. Juliano was one of the founders of PrimeRevenue, the leading non-bank supply chain finance provider, where he spent 13 years. Today, he is working with TradeIX on their Trade Finance and Working Capitals solutions for banks and corporates and managing business development. TradeIX with R3 are the technology providers behind the Marco Polo Network, the largest trade finance bank consortium.

Caryn Pace-Messenger
Caryn Pace-Messenger
Managing Director, Global Trade and Supply Chain Finance
Bank of America

Caryn Pace is a Managing Director in Global Payments Solutions at Bank of America. She heads Global Portfolio Management & Product Risk in Global Trade & Supply Chain. In this role, she has responsibility for the trade portfolio including monitoring, development of risk mitigation strategies, forecast impacts, and balance sheet management. Her team has oversight of risk mitigation on a portfolio and transaction level, including routines involving high risk transactions, asset quality, and business control. To drive and influence the global trade business strategy, she engages with clients and potential third party partnership opportunities to understand market perspective and evolving product needs. Caryn is a part of Bank of America’s Hispanic-Latino Executive Council. She serves on the GPS Social & Economic Action Council and is an active leader in junior talent initiatives. Previously, she held positions within global trade at J.P. Morgan where she worked for 12 years. She currently serves as a Vice-Chair on the International Chamber of Commerce Banking Commission. Caryn received her bachelor’s degree from Columbia University and is based in New York.

Matthew A Frohling
Matthew A Frohling
Managing Director
Head of North America Trade Sales
Global Trade & Receivables Guidance

Mr. Matthew Frohling joined HSBC recently with over 30 years of experience banking experience. He manages trade sales for the HSBC global banking northeast sector. He and his team work closely with global relationship banking to deliver tailored working capital solutions to his client base. Prior to joining HSBC, Mr. Frohling managed the Asia trade sales team for a large US international bank out of Hong Kong. Mr. Frohling managed the Asia supply chain business from January 2011 through June 2016. Before moving to Asia with his family, Mr. Frohling managed supply chain finance for North America.

Inho Lee
Inho Lee
Head, Trade and Commodity Finance

Mr. Inho Lee has been with the IFC since 2000 working primarily in its Financial Institutions Department covering a variety of regions and sectors including East Asia, Eastern Europe in Banking, PE Funds, distressed assets and NBFIs. Since joining IFC trade finance unit (also part of FI Dept.) he has been heading its wholesale portfolio solutions products (GTLP, CCFP), commodity finance and direct loans for trade finance.

Harriette Resnick
Harriette Resnick
Co-Head, ICC Sustainability Working Group
International Chamber of Commerce Banking Commission

Ms. Harriette Resnick has extensive experience representing clients’ business interests globally and expertise in international commercial, legal and compliance issues. She is a co-chair of the ICC Banking Commission Working Group on Sustainable Trade Finance. Harriette was internal counsel to JPMorgan from 1988- 2017. As Managing Director & Associate General Counsel, she led the legal team supporting the Global Trade unit within JPMorgan's Corporate & Investment Bank. In May, 2019, Harriette received a Masters in Environmental Law from Pace University’s Elisabeth Haub School of Law. She has a JD from the University of Pennsylvania Law School.

Gregory Daco
Gregory Daco
Chief US Economist
Oxford Economics

Mr. Gregory Daco is Chief US Economist at Oxford Economics where he is responsible for producing the US economic outlook using Oxford Economics’ proprietary Global Economics Model. Mr. Daco directs the thematic research on the economy, the Fed and fiscal policy, and leads a team of high caliber economics producing intraday economic and financial market analysis. He conducts regular briefings on the global economy for corporate boards, trade associations and policy makers on all levels. Mr. Daco is often quoted in national and global publications and is a frequent guest of CNBC, Bloomberg and NPR. Prior to joining Oxford Economics, Mr. Daco was Director of US Macroeconomics at HIS Global Insight.

Michael McDonough
Michael McDonough
Head of Trade and Working Capital Solutions
Santander Commercial Bank

Michael McDonough leads the Trade & Working Capital functions for Santander’s Commercial Bank franchise in the United States. In this role he leads teams providing solutions across the Commercial Card, Core Trade and Supply Chain / Accounts Receivable solution sets. Additionally, his team leads the development and management of the Domestic and International working capital channels, which include Santander’s international Treasury Management platform. Prior to this role, Michael held a number of roles at J.P. Morgan including global product head for the Corporate Trade & Supply Chain Finance business and head of N. America Trade & Export Finance. Michael previously held global Supply Chain Finance roles at RBS and ABN Amro in London and Amsterdam. Michael has both a BS and a MBA from Boston College.

Steven Bash
Steven Bash
Senior Vice President and Manager
International Banking and Trade Finance
City National Bank

Mr. Steven Bash is senior vice president and manager of City National Bank’s International Banking & Trade Finance department. He oversees the bank’s trade finance, trade services, supply chain programs, international credit and portfolio management, risk mitigation, global correspondent banking, and trade advisory services.  Throughout his career, he has held a variety of leadership roles with other global financial institutions, including a posting as Managing Director, Hong Kong Branch for CoreStates Bank from 1989-1992. He served as an appointee to the U.S. Department of Commerce Trade Finance Advisory Council (TFCA.), a nonpartisan group of 20 private sector individuals, working on recommendations to increase access to export financing for U.S. small and medium size companies from 2016- 2020.  Mr. Bash is a past president of the Bankers Association of Finance and Trade (BAFT).

Massimo Capretta
Massimo Capretta
Mayer Brown

Mr. Massimo Capretta is a partner in Mayer Brown’s Chicago and New York offices and a member of the Banking and Finance practice. Mr. Capretta’s transactional practice focuses on representing both financial institutions and companies across a broad spectrum of domestic and international financing transactions. He has been involved in transactions spanning a number of key industries including automotive, heavy manufacturing, chemicals, metals and energy. Mr. Capretta has particular experience with domestic and cross-border trade receivables securitization, asset-based finance, factoring, supply chain/vendor finance, trade finance and other receivables monetization strategies. He regularly advises clients on the creation and management of bespoke receivables finance transactions.

Rory Kaplan
Rory Kaplan
Director, Senior Offering Manager
CGI Group Inc.

Mr. Rory Kaplan has more than 30 years of experience in trade and supply chain finance as both a banker and technology solution provider, covering operations, product management, and sales. As Offering Manager for CGI’s Trade and Supply Chain Solutions, Mr. Kaplan is responsible for emerging technology strategy and solutions, marketing, media engagement, partner development, and training. In his role, Mr. Kaplan also engages closely with clients to facilitate collaborative strategic forums, working groups, and product enhancements. As a manager within CGI, Mr. Kaplan has been a critical contributor in the exploration of Intelligent Process Automation and Blockchain solutions, working to integrate these with the Trade360 global platform.

Stacey Facter
Stacey Facter
Senior Vice President, Trade Products

Stacey Facter has been Senior Vice President for Trade Products at BAFT for the last six years. Ms. Facter is responsible for managing all the Association’s activities related to trade products and serves as the primary subject matter expert for trade issues, overseeing and managing BAFT’s trade councils, committees and working groups and helps members develop guidance tools for the trade industry. Ms. Facter serves as a public spokesperson for the organization to stakeholders, regulators and policy makers on industry matters affecting the international trade finance community and is BAFT’s primary technical resource for trade related education and training.Ms. Facter has more than twenty-five years of experience in international banking, including over twenty years with JP Morgan Chase Bank, covering emerging markets, international trade finance, cash and risk management, and securities collateral management.

John Ahearn
John Ahearn
Group Vice Chairman & CEO Americas
Falcon Group

John Ahearn joined Falcon Group in June 2020 as Vice Chairman of Falcon Group and CEO of Falcon America where he is responsible for establishing and growing the business across the Americas. Prior to Falcon, John ran Citibanks Global Trade as part of their Treasury and Trade business having worked there for 16 years. Prior to joining Citi, John worked for ABN Amro in Chicago IL where he ran the US Trade franchise and their Financial Institutions for the Trade Group globally. John also held a senior position at the Bank of New York/National Community Bank (merger). He started his career at Morgan Guarantee as a management trainee. John also held various board seats including Chairman for BAFT (Bankers Association for Finance and Trade) and PEFCO (Private Export Funding Corp) of which he is still a member.

William Fox
William Fox
Co-Chair, Wolfsberg Group
Managing Director, Global Financial Crimes Compliance Executive
Bank of America Merrill Lynch

Mr. William Fox is the Global Financial Crimes Compliance executive for Bank of America. He is responsible for the company’s Financial Crimes, Corruption and Economic Sanctions efforts. Prior to joining Bank of America, he served as the Director of the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN). Appointed by Treasury Secretary John Snow in 2003, Mr. Fox was FinCEN’s fourth director and led the administration of the Bank Secrecy Act. Before his appointment as FinCEN Director, he served in the Department of the Treasury as well as at the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF).

Donna M. Murphy
Donna M. Murphy
Deputy Comptroller for Compliance Risk Policy
Office of the Comptroller of the Currency

Ms. Donna Murphy is the Deputy Comptroller for Compliance Risk Policy at the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency. In this role, she oversees the development of policy and examination procedures for Bank Secrecy Act and anti-money laundering issues, as well as consumer compliance, fair lending, and the Community Reinvestment Act. Prior to assuming this role, she served as Director of the OCC’s Community and Consumer Law Division, overseeing the office that provides legal interpretations, advice and support on consumer protection, fair lending, and community reinvestment issues to OCC policymakers, managers and staff. Ms. Murphy joined the OCC in 2013 from the United States Department of Justice where she served in various capacities in the Civil Rights Division, including managing the Division’s fair lending enforcement program for 10 years. She received her law degree from Yale Law School, and is a summa cum laude graduate of the American University in Washington, D.C.

Radish Singh
Radish Singh
Partner, Deloitte Forensic
Financial Crime Compliance

Ms. Radish Singh has 20+ years of experience in the field of financial services regulations, compliance, anti-bribery and corruption, conduct of business and financial crime (AML/Sanctions). She currently leads Deloitte’s South East Asia Financial Crime Compliance practice. Her clientele includes major global and local Banks in Singapore. Broadly, her experience includes regulatory, business conduct policy formulation, legislative drafting, anti-money laundering, outsourcing, implementing anti-bribery and corruption policy, advising on data protection matters, establishing corporate governance codes, stock exchange supervision/rules and securities laws. Ms. Singh has been actively presenting on global regulatory reform as a result of the G20 initiatives to major banks and institutions in Singapore as well as in various public forums. In prior roles, she led an engagement with the Association of Banks in Singapore to revise and modernize their AML guidelines for the banking industry in Singapore. She has advised the Institute of Banking and Finance Singapore on revising their compliance and AML industry standards modules.

David Glaccum
David Glaccum
Associate Administrator for International Trade
U.S. Small Business Administration

Mr. David M. Glaccum is the Associate Administrator for the Office of International Trade at the U.S. Small Business Administration. The mission of the Office of International Trade is to help small businesses find new markets and sell to a global customer base. Mr. Glaccum and his team accomplish this by executing SBA’s work on federal and state trade development, international trade finance, and international affairs and trade policy. Mr. Glaccum brings a variety of experience in federal and state government to the position. He previously served as Chief of Staff and Counselor to U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley, where he provided executive level planning, leadership, and directional support to the U.S. Mission staff, and developed strategic initiatives to drive forward U.S. foreign policy interests at the United Nations, including the negotiation and adoption of North Korea sanctions, and the systematic reform of peacekeeping missions resulting in nearly $900 million in savings to the United Nations peacekeeping budget.

Steven Lotito
Steven Lotito
Managing Director & Head of Trade Finance, North America

Steven Lotito is Managing Director and Head of Trade Finance in Transaction Banking for the Americas at MUFG Union Bank, N.A. In his role, Steven manages the sales and product management organizations responsible for advising the bank’s client’s in the Corporate, Commercial and Japanese Corporate Banking segments in North America navigate some of the most important trade markets by delivering timely information on international markets, bringing innovative products to market, and providing trade financing solutions and risk management strategies. Steven has more than 30 years of experience in commodity finance and international trade finance. Prior to MUFG, he served as Senior Vice President and Head of Sales, Global Trade & Receivables Finance, North America; and Director and Head of Transaction Banking for the Americas at HSBC Bank USA and Australia & New Zealand Banking Group respectively. In addition, he has held senior trade and commodity finance roles at ABSA Banking Corp., Ecoban Finance Ltd., Phibro Inc., and Chase Manhattan Bank.

Geoffrey Brady
Geoffrey Brady
Managing Director & Head of Global Trade and Supply Chain
Bank of America

Geoff Brady is managing director and head of Global Trade and Supply Chain Finance in Global Transaction Services (GTS) at Bank of America. In this role, he oversees management of the origination and delivery of supply chain, receivables and trade finance products that provide liquidity, risk mitigation, and working capital optimization for the bank’s Corporate, Commercial and Business Banking clients. He is based in New York. Prior to joining the bank in August 2018, Brady was the Americas region executive for JP Morgan’s Global Trade & Loan Products business. Brady has more than 20 years of experience in banking and has held management roles in a variety of businesses including Portfolio Management and Payments in addition to Trade Finance.

Patricia Gomes
Patricia Gomes
Executive Vice President
Head of Global Trade Receivables Finance, North America

Ms. Patricia Gomes is Head of Global Trade and Receivables Finance (GTRF), North America for HSBC. In this role, she is responsible for leading and managing the GTRF business across Commercial banking and Global Banking clients. With 20 years of experience in banking, Ms. Gomes joined GTRF from the Financial Institute Group (FIG), where she was Head of North America. She has worked for HSBC since 2004 in a variety of roles in London, Hong Kong and New York. Prior to joining HSBC, Ms. Gomes worked with Citigroup, in Financial Institutions coverage and Credit Risk Management in both London and Lisbon.

Rogier Schulpen
Rogier Schulpen
Global Head of Trade & Working Capital Solutions

Mr. Rogier Schulpen, Global Head of Trade & Working Capital Solutions at Santander, is responsible for all trade finance products: Supply Chain Finance, Documentary Trade and Structured Trade and Commodity Finance. In addition, Mr. Schulpen leads the Regulation, Capital and Liquidity team for Global Transaction Banking. The Trade & Working Capital Solutions group is globally organized and has professionals in 12 countries spread over Europe, the Americas, and Asia. Mr. Schulpen started his career at MeesPierson in the Netherlands, working in the commodity finance team. He subsequently moved to ABN Amro Bank in London and Brazil, where he lead the soft commodities market in Latin America.

October 25, 2020
Stacey Facter
Stacey Facter
Senior Vice President, Trade Products

Stacey Facter has been Senior Vice President for Trade Products at BAFT for the last six years. Ms. Facter is responsible for managing all the Association’s activities related to trade products and serves as the primary subject matter expert for trade issues, overseeing and managing BAFT’s trade councils, committees and working groups and helps members develop guidance tools for the trade industry. Ms. Facter serves as a public spokesperson for the organization to stakeholders, regulators and policy makers on industry matters affecting the international trade finance community and is BAFT’s primary technical resource for trade related education and training.Ms. Facter has more than twenty-five years of experience in international banking, including over twenty years with JP Morgan Chase Bank, covering emerging markets, international trade finance, cash and risk management, and securities collateral management.

Oliver O’Connell
Oliver O’Connell
Contributing Editor

Mr. Oliver O’Connell is the New York-based contributing editor for TXF. He has covered the trade, supply chain, export and commodity finance markets for various publications since 2004 and has chaired and moderated numerous industry events and conferences. Currently, he is helping develop TXF’s new Financing International Trade platform through a series of podcasts and thought leadership interviews.

Vinod Madhavan
Vinod Madhavan
Group Head, Trade
Standard Bank Group

Vinod Madhavan is currently Group Head: Trade, Standard Bank. In this role he is responsible for Trade, one of the universal capabilities identified by Standard Bank, to be delivered across the Group. Thereby, allowing Standard Bank to show up as one universal financial services organization, wherever they are based and whichever client segment they are servicing. He also has P&L responsibility for Trade across the Group (i.e., across sectors in Corporate & Investment Bank and divisions in Personal & Business Banking units). Standard Bank franchise (spanning 20 markets in Africa) offers trade and supply chain finance services and solutions, to clients in Institutional, Corporate, Commercial, Business and Enterprise client segments.

Kirk Samson
Kirk Samson
Samson Atlantic LLC

Mr. Kirk Samson founded the political risk consulting firm Samson Atlantic in 2015. He is a former U.S. diplomat, military officer and international law advisor with over two decades of overseas experience. Mr. Samson works with U.S. companies to research opportunities to successfully expand into foreign markets, with an emphasis on Europe. He is a Senior Analyst for UK-based Global Risk Insights, with numerous publications on political risk analysis, and a Director of the International Trade Association of Greater Chicago. Mr. Samson also trains clients in effective global and cross-cultural communication strategies, having led or participated in international negotiations in over 35 nations.

Karl Schamotta
Karl Schamotta
Chief Market Strategist
Cambridge Global Payments

Mr. Karl Schamotta leads Cambridge’s currency research group, focused on analyzing shifts in the world economy and creating strategies that help businesses harness market volatility. He has built risk management and trading programmes for hundreds of major corporations, and is a regular contributor to a number of international finance publications. He regularly appears in the Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg, Reuters, BNN, CNN and CNBC. You can follow him at @vsualst on Twitter.

Daniel Pinho
Daniel Pinho
Vice President, Operations and Business Management

Daniel Pinho was appointed the Vice President of Operations and Business Management at BAFT on July 31, 2023. Daniel previously was the SVP & AGM at PNC's Trade Finance group.  He has over 20 years of experience in structured trade financing programs.  Prior to joining PNC, Daniel was a Manager at UPS Capital Business Credit where he supervised the Export Credit Agency Operations group.  He also served as the Director of Trade Finance at a consulting firm in Brazil. Pinho also previously served on BAFT's North American Council and co-chaired the Structured Trade and Export Finance Committee. He is a member of the Association of Latino Professionals in Finance and Accounting and is chair of the board of Ten Thousand Villages in Pittsburgh, a fair trade nonprofit organization.

Paul Coles
Paul Coles
ITFA Board Member
Head of Global Transactional Distribution, GTRF
HSBC Bank Plc

Mr. Paul Coles is responsible for overseeing the transactional distribution activity that supports HSBC’s GTRF business. His global role focuses on creating greater consistency in the processes, documentation and investor management, along with working with the regional teams on key multi-jurisdiction transactions. Prior to joining HSBC, Mr. Coles was the global coordinator and EMEA head for trade risk distribution at Bank of America Merrill Lynch. Mr. Coles has also worked in the trade credit distribution team at ABN AMRO, and subsequently at RBS as the trade asset management regional head for the NV business (part of the legacy ABN AMRO network). He started his career over 20 years ago at London Forfaiting Company (a specialist trade finance provider) where he held a variety of trade finance roles. Mr. Coles has a BSc in Management Studies from Royal Holloway, University of London and is a member of the Board of the International Trade and Forfaiting Association (ITFA), where he currently chairs the Market Practice Committee.

Scott B. Ettien
Scott B. Ettien
Executive Vice President, Financial Solutions & Global Head of Trade Credit
Willis Towers Watson

Scott Ettien is the US Trade Credit Practice Leader for Willis Towers Watson. Mr. Ettien and his team specialize in providing Trade Credit insurance expertise for financial institutions and corporations. Mr. Ettien joined Willis in 2010 and has built a strong team, mostly made up of former Trade Credit policy and risk underwriters to place and service programs for our various clients. Prior to joining Willis Towers Watson in 2010, Mr. Ettien worked at Atradius Trade Credit Insurance, Inc. Over his 25 years at Atradius, he held positions in accounting, underwriting, and sales. In 2005, Mr. Ettien was elected to the Board of Directors at Atradius Trade Credit, Inc.

Geoffrey Wynne
Geoffrey Wynne
Partner & Head of Trade and Export Finance Group
Sullivan & Worcester

Geoffrey Wynne is Head of Sullivan & Worcester’s London office and its Trade and Export Finance Group. A leading trade finance lawyer, he specialises in trade, structured trade and commodity finance, advising major banks, non-bank financial institutions and multilaterals on transactions in emerging markets. His expertise includes warehouse financing, collateral management, ownership structures and receivables financing. Geoff works with industry bodies including BAFT, ITFA, and the ICC, ICC advising them on documentation and rules promulgated by them in trade finance. He co-chaired the ICC Drafting Committee for the Uniform Rules for Digital Trade Transactions (URDTT) and was involved in the Electronic Trade Documents Act (2023). Recognised with a Lifetime Achievement Award by RFIx in 2024, he is top ranked by Chambers UK, the UK Legal 500 and IFLR1000. The team he leads has won multiple awards, including recently ‘Legal Innovation in Trade’ (TFG, 2023) and Best Export Finance Law Firm (GTR, 2023). He is the editor of The Practitioner’s Guide to Trade and Commodity Finance and General Editor of A Guide to Receivables Finance.

Diana Rodriguez
Diana Rodriguez
Vice President, International Policy

Diana Rodriguez is Vice President, International Policy at BAFT where she leads the association's global government relations strategy, focusing on prudential, regulatory and global trade policy matters. Her portfolio includes Basel III implementation, Libor transition, and U.S. trade policy. She coordinates joint advocacy with partner trade associations and other global stakeholders to advance BAFT policy priorities. Prior to joining BAFT, Diana served in the Obama Administration as Senior Advisor for International Trade at the U.S. Small Business Administration. There, she advised the SBA Administrator on a global portfolio of trade policy and trade finance matters, and oversaw the Agency’s global entrepreneurship promotion efforts in Asia, Europe and Latin America. Before that, she served as a Director in the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s International Affairs Division leading trade policy efforts in Mexico.

Katie Rismanchi
Katie Rismanchi
Policy Advisor, Regulatory Affairs Department
Institute of International Finance

Ms. Rismanchi joined the Institute of International Finance’s Regulatory Affairs Department in May 2019. Among other topics, Ms. Rismanchi contributes to the IIF’s work on prudential capital standards, impact assessments, resolution and market fragmentation. Before joining the IIF, Ms. Rismanchi worked for over six years as an economist and prudential policy expert at the Bank of England. She worked on a range of microprudential and macroprudential banking topics and spent one year as a seconded financial stability expert to the European Systemic Risk Board in Frankfurt.

Joshua Stein
Joshua Stein
Vice President, Accounting and Financial Management
American Bankers Association

Josh Stein arrived to the American Bankers Association in October 2017. He works alongside Mike Gullette in the ABA’s efforts with the FASB and the U.S. banking regulators in helping bankers understand and implement policies and regulations related to accounting, financial reporting, internal controls, and capital management. Specifically, Mr. Stein is working on efforts related the implementation of FASB’s CECL standard. Mr. Stein brings to the ABA almost twenty years of experience. Mr. Stein started his career as an auditor for KPMG, where he concentrated on financial institutions. He worked as an analyst and an inspector for the PCAOB. He also worked in an accounting policy position at a large private equity firm. Mr. Stein is a Certified Public Accountant.

Robert Mancini
Robert Mancini
Head of Payments

Mr. Robert Mancini is a prominent senior executive with more than 20 years of experience in financial services with a diverse background in global banking, leading technology firms, and international research and consulting firms. He has worked in a senior capacity across diverse roles at four global banks and most recently was head of financial services, commercial banking for a $20 billion U.S. bank. Mr. Mancini has also been instrumental in developing payment and cash management roadmaps for Global Banks, and has played an integral role in helping banks shape their transformational journeys around corporate banking with a focus on payments and open banking. Since joining Finastra he has worked with financial institutions to develop strategies to improve operational efficiency, enhance the client experience and future-proofing bank investment with modern solutions.

Alexander Malaket
Alexander Malaket
OPUS Advisory Services International Inc.

Alexander R. Malaket, CITP, is the President of OPUS Advisory Services International Inc., in Canada, and Founder and Managing Director of Trade Finance Associates Pte in Singapore. Mr. Malaket is recognized internationally as a specialist and senior consultant in international trade and trade finance, having advised top-tier financial services, corporate, government and international institution clients across the globe, and having developed and delivered a variety of training seminars on an international basis. Mr. Malaket serves as a member of the Executive Committee and Technical Advisor to the ICC Banking Commission in Paris, as Secretary/Treasurer of the World Trade Centre in Winnipeg and is a long-time member of the Toronto Regional Board of Trade/World Trade Centre, as well as a member of the SWIFT/ICC Industry Education Group on the Bank Payment Obligation. Alexander is a member of the Board of Directors of the Forum for International Trade Training, Ottawa, Canada. Alexander is the author of “Financing Trade and International Supply Chains”, published by Gower/Ashgate UK.

Devesh Desai
Devesh Desai

Mr. Devesh Desai is a Principal in PwC’s Financial Crime Unit practice with over 15 years of experience implementing risk and compliance solutions for Financial Services and FinTech firms. His main areas of focus are helping clients transform and optimize regulatory compliance programs for Financial Crime related areas such as AML, KYC, Fraud, OFAC Sanctions, Security and Trade Surveillance. He has worked on several transformation and regulatory remediation projects covering areas from compliance to operations. He is a frequent speaker at industry events and authored several white papers on risk and compliance topics.

Kirk Lundburg
President & CEO
Trade Technologies, Inc.

Mr. Kirk Lundburg is responsible for Trade Technologies' business strategy, execution and results. He brings over 35 years of international corporate, legal and technology experience to this role. Prior to joining Trade Technologies in 2001, he was a partner at Gunderson Dettmer, a leading venture finance and technology law firm. Before joining Gunderson Dettmer, he was a Vice President at Robert Half International Inc., a NYSE traded, international staffing company. Previously, Mr. Lundburg practiced corporate and securities law with the international law firm, Latham & Watkins.

Juan-Jose Ruiz
Juan-Jose Ruiz
Head of Strategy and Business Development, TradeLens
IBM Industry Platforms

Mr. Ruiz is a global strategy and business development executive with experience in the technology, financial services, and media/information industries. He is currently leading Strategy and Business Development at IBM for TradeLens, the industry platform for the digitization of global trade. Prior to IBM he played a number of strategic and operational roles at Thomson Reuters based in Europe, Asia, and the Americas including leading Strategic Alliances globally and developing growth strategies across business units. Mr. Ruiz started his professional career as a software engineer in Spain developing some of the early web-based b2b marketplaces.

Steven Ricchiuto
Steven Ricchiuto
Managing Director & Chief Economist
Mizuho Securities USA

Steven Ricchiuto is a Managing Director and Chief Economist of Mizuho Securities USA (MSUSA). As Chief Economist, Mr. Ricchiuto is responsible for formulating and marketing the firm’s macroeconomic and interest rate forecasts and providing clients with a strategic outlook on the U.S. economy and financial markets. Prior to joining Mizuho Securities USA, Mr. Ricchiuto worked at Svenska Handelsbanken and at ABN AMRO, where he was Chief U.S. Economist and Head of Fixed Income Research for the region. He has more than thirty five years of experience in the financial services industry. Mr. Ricchiuto is a well-known and highly regarded economist, with extensive appearances on various business news television and radio programs and is regularly quoted in the print media. His latest book:” Symptomatic to Systemic traces the history of post war business cycles and how financial debacles have evolved from being caused by the cycle to leading the cycle.

Michael McDonough
Michael McDonough
Head of Trade and Working Capital Solutions
Santander Commercial Bank

Michael McDonough leads the Trade & Working Capital functions for Santander’s Commercial Bank franchise in the United States. In this role he leads teams providing solutions across the Commercial Card, Core Trade and Supply Chain / Accounts Receivable solution sets. Additionally, his team leads the development and management of the Domestic and International working capital channels, which include Santander’s international Treasury Management platform. Prior to this role, Michael held a number of roles at J.P. Morgan including global product head for the Corporate Trade & Supply Chain Finance business and head of N. America Trade & Export Finance. Michael previously held global Supply Chain Finance roles at RBS and ABN Amro in London and Amsterdam. Michael has both a BS and a MBA from Boston College.


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